Napoleon and Snow White

Serena lives in Taranto, buys and sells houses for a living. In her Trulli home in the Southern Italian Itria Valley she’s just a dog’s Mum though. Sausage dog Pepito, 6, and the 15 year old mixed breed Laculona (“Miss Big Butt”) are keeping her company

Where did you meet?
I met Pepito at Brindisi Airport where he was delivered by his breeders: He seemed to be the  sweetest dog in the world. I would find out later that there was something quite unsettling  about him. Didn’t want to admit it to myself though – so intense had been the idea of getting the same dog that I had adored when I was a little girl.
Laculona however was the one to find me: One day I saw her sitting on my trullo neighbors doorsteps. She has been with me ever since.

What are they like?
One is the opposite of the other: Size, colour, short hair vs. curly/silky hair, short vs. long, city dog ​​vs. country dog, good dog vs. bad dog, one always barking, the other one keeps quiet. Pepito is the most stubborn, arrogant and mean dog I’ve ever had. And I’ve had  many!
Laculona however is tender and sweet, both with his fellow dogs and with humans, especially children.

Who would they be if not animals?
Pepito: Napoleon, Laculona: Snow White

Why do you love them?
I love them because I love animals. These two in particular are very funny, each in their own way and together even more. Watching them and spending time with them lightens my heart.

What do you enjoy most doing together?
We like to go for walks in the countryside and cuddle in front of the fireplace in the evenings.

How would you describe your relationship?
They hired me as their housekeeper: I have a soft dog bed and two meals a day at my disposal. The salary is good: kibbles and bone-shaped biscuits, I can’t complain.

PS: 100% animal and children friendly are Serena’s trullos in the Itria Valley that you can rent for your summer holiday. For enquiries check out her homepage


One Comment

  1. Patrizia Moccia says:

    Mitica mamma Serena per i due mitici Pepito e Laculona

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