Mommy’s Girl

Her teenage sons wanted a dog in the house and Daniela was fine with it. Why family poodle Mia still chose HER as her favourite human and why Daniela doesn’t mind at all

What’s extraordinary about Mia?
Extraordinary is an understatement. I’m a little biased, but Mia is really, really loving. She’s adorable, never annoying, super polite and as clean as a dog can be. She just lacks a voice to be exactly like the rest of us! If she was human she would definitely be my daughter, the little female after two sons.

She’s always by your side…?
Yes she is, most of the time. She and I live in symbiosis. She is my shadow, we do everything together. Even at the beautician, at the gym, at the grocery store, she’d be with me all the time, everywhere. I’m her point of reference, also because I’m the one who feeds her (laughs). And she is mine! When I have to go home and no one is there I know she’ll be waiting for me. And all she needs is my presence. The love that we share is genuine, she’s become a part of me, very naturally.

The rest of the family doesn’t get jealous?
Not really. Vito and Alessandro, my two boys, have a beautiful relationship with Mia, especially Vito. When I’m not around, Mia usually stays by his side. With Alessandro it’s more of a ‘love and hate’ kind of thing… That’s because Alessandro can be naughty, he would pull her moustache, pull her tail, tickle her. They play a lot, yes, and they love each other very much. But when Mia needs cuddles or wants to go to sleep next to someone, she prefers Vito.

Is she an outdoor type?
Not so much. When it rains outside we don’t even go out, Mia’s used to her “toilet” in the house anyway. And even if she never gets really dirty as many other dogs do and I usually clean her feet when we come home etc., I take her to the “hairdresser” every 15 days. I like to have her clean, so she can go everywhere, roam freely in the house, jump on the sofa or the bed without making a mess. We want to pamper her as much as possible, have her closeby all the time. When it’s sleeping hour she goes to her own bed anyway. I’ve actually gotten so used to her presence that I don’t even remember what life was like without her…

Any advice you’d like to share?
Take a dog if you’ve got the wish to have one! A relationship with a dog is something you cannot describe and you’ll never regret it if you find the right one for you and your needs. It makes you grow, it helps you to develop certain skills, a dog can be challenging, soothing, balancing things out. Sometimes they can even be the shoulder to cry on! Don’t underestimate the commitment though. Making them live well is your main task, learning and knowing what they need and being ready to give it to them. Making some kind of sacrifice even just to satisfy them. Becoming partners, for what it’s worth. Running together, throwing the ball, playing outdoors, even if in that very moment you’d feel more like sitting on the sofa and watching TV. My suggestion is: If you get a dog, take care of it.
