Dog Gurus exist

One lives in Ostuni, Puglia’s famous White City. Her name is Calliope and she’s a Pointer of 6 years. Iyengar yoga teacher Anna found her in her front garden one day, on the way to her yoga class.
They never left each other ever since

You 2 seem one of a kind for how close you are.
Callipoe is my Alter Ego. If I were a dog I’d be exactly like her. Funny, because I actually never really wanted a dog, I always thought it could be too complicated with my everyday duties, the yoga classes etc. But there she was, sitting in my garden. She seemed abandoned, definitely lost, poor thing.
No one could touch her or even get close, for days! Until she decided to stay with ME and become my GURU. No kidding! She’s so patient, sweet and wise –
I learn from her every day. Being more compassionate for instance, or trusting my own intuition more. Her second name is Shanty dog, the dog of peace and hugs. We love each other inconditionally.

What do you love about her most?
That she is always true to me. And that she stays by my side, even in moments of great confusion or sadness. Calliope’s there. For me.

During your yoga classes – what does she do?
She seems to enjoy the atmosphere, the special moment, the people. And if I only let her she would jump into everybody’s arms! For me her pure presence is a relief. I feel stronger when she is around. Can you believe it? A real Shanty dog! After yoga class we just hang out on the sofa, in each others arms. Relax. Or better: She lies my arms, like a daughter. What a cute litte thing.

Sounds like a dog in your life is the recipe for happiness?
Well, sometimes, like in our story, the right dog shows up in the right moment. You can’t but love him and be with him, always. But never forget: A dog will be like your shadow and will depend on you, like a baby, forever. It takes a lot of love to support that.

Curious to find out more about the two of them? Check out Anna’s Yoga studio: or follow them on their Instagram account @anna_jodie_yoga
