Travellers’ World
Carsten and Carlotta from Berlin have not only travelled the world, they are also founders of the lifestyle brand “worldpearlslove”. And they are now searching new horizons for the whole “family”. Because to them only one thing really matters: that Noosa the chocolate lab and Bali the sausage dog will never leave their side. So they’re all daydreaming of a home by the sea, where Noosa can save lives and Bali sunbathes all day long
Please tell us about yourself and your dogs!
We are Carsten and Carlotta Teubel, both in our 50s, entrepreneurs, currently living in Berlin. I, Carlotta, used to work in the fashion Industry, Carsten was in finance. Together we created the brand Worldpearlslove, now we’re looking for new challenges. Our dogs are Noosa, a Labrador Retriever, 6yrs old, and Bali, a Miniature Dachshund, 3yrs. Noosa comes from a breeder in Germany (Hessen) and was the only chocolate lab in the litter. His two black brothers got adopted, his mother and four sisters died after birth. So Noosa was “raised” by a foster dog-mom for his first few weeks! Bali got adopted from a family in Berlin when he was nine weeks old. We thought he would be an “ordinary”, normal sized dachshund but he grew into a big miniature one.
What’s so amazing about your dogs?
Noosa is our CCO (Chief Cuddling Officer) and will do everything for cheese. Bali has the heart of a lion in a sausage costume and is the little big “security guy”.
How would you describe your relationship?
Noosa loves his freedom. But when it comes down to it, he’s very close and affectionate. Bali is always by our side, to an extent that he loves to sleep under the sheets (with us) at night.
Do you know about their secret passions?
Noosa loves swimming and rescuing everything and everyone in the water. The most passionate lifeguard! Bali loves to sleep in the sun, no matter how hot.
How do you “understand” each other?
We talk like we would talk to other fellow humans: Gentle conversation instead of commands.
Do you have a “trick” that always works?
Both of them are easy to handle, very smart and understanding. But since we’re together ALL the time really, they think they don’t always HAVE TO obey. But there’s one very powerful “code” that always works and it is HAPPIHAPPI (german slang for EAT EAT). They’d come immediately from wherever they are.

If your dogs were persons – who would they be?
Noosa is such a cool guy. He could be Steve McQueen or Denzel Washington. Bali has something of Clint Eastwood about him, but also of Hugh Grant, the womanizer.
Why do you love them?
Because they are our furry sons. We are family.
What was the most memorable thing your dogs ever did?
Noosa once brought home a little bird. All we noticed was a very tiny bird’s foot hanging out of its mouth… He must have picked up the little one off the ground, maybe he had fallen out of his nest. And he definitely wanted to save him! Noosa would never have done him any harm.
Bali amazed us right from the beginning. We remember very well that he slept through the first night. We had already prepared ourselves to go out at least three or four times, as we used to when Noosa was little. But we woke up the next morning, everything dry and the little one still fast asleep. He should actually be called “easy and dry”.
Did your dog ever bring you closer to another person/other people?
Of course they do. We’ve got in touch with the whole neighborhood. With people we didn’t know before and then became friends and with people we never actually wanted to know. That’s life.
Where do you leave them when you have to go away for a couple of days?
We did it only a couple of times when we travelled far during the winter. The dogs were in a dog hotel outside of Berlin. The last two years we’ve lived in Ibiza where we’ve got the lovliest dog sitter. She lives near San Carlos and both the dogs just adore her and her hippie attitude.

Is there anything that annoys you about them?
Oh yes: Noosa loves to sniff each square centimeter in the street. A normal walk can take hours 😉 And Bali loves to bark: outside, when he sees other dogs and inside, when the door bell rings. But then again, that makes him an alarm system on four paws, doesn’t it?
What are your favourite things to do with them?
They love to walk in the forest which they do three times a week with their dog walker. And they love nice restaurants, because they know they’ll get to try delicious pieces falling off the table. We all love playing in and out of the water, catching balls, cuddling and scratching, stroking and swimming.
Any dreams you’d like to come true with your dogs?
Living with them close to the sea and beach.
Any advice you would like to share?
Think about one thing before getting a dog: You do need time for them. They only want to be with you. How much space you have is not so important. It is your time that they need and deserve.
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With some time I’ll write to you about NALA, our Ridgeback Diva 😉.
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